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Boron nanotubes are stronger than carbon nanotubes

Researchers tested the  boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) force required to pluck it from a polymer named a cantilever to the nanotube and pulling. This experiment will be a schematic array . Carbon nanotubes has been a strengththat is atleast 30 times more stronger than the kelver according to the estimation.  When these polymers with lightweighted resins are used with epoxy they have a tiny reinforce material just similar to the block of concrete that is strong enough to make aeroplannes spaceships cars and many other equipment.
Boron nitride, like carbon, can form single-atom-thick sheets that is then rolled into cylinders to create nanotubes. By themselves boron nitride nanotubes are almost as strong as carbon nanotubes, but their real advantage in a composite material comes from the way they stick to the polymer.


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