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Swimming wearable benefits from STMicroelectronics miniature chip technology

STMICROELECTRONICS periferals are now been used as wearable during swimming tracking along with STM32F4 32 bit MCU. Xmetrics are using is to trace the swimming activity by using these wearable. This device is also termed as Xmetrics , it gets on the swimmer’s goggle band situated at the back of the head . From there it provides the best tracking position and real time audio feedback.  It senses the body’s movement and makes up a precise data for the analysis by using Xmetrics algorithm which is further executed in a 32 bit microcontroller  STM32F4. it detects and records the type of swimming its style and all number of stokes taken along with its frequency, flip turns , speed and total elapsed time.

It basically handles overall system of a swimmer in a swim monitor. It carries on some algorithms and then interprets the data as a first level analysis. This is helpful for the swimmers to get instant results with peek accuracy related to their swimming session. ST also provides the device with components that protects its from electrostatic discharge, along with a level of signal integrity for USB 2.0 . By using Xmetrics software and app a swimmer can eventually program their training schedule and also customise a audio feedback. This device can be connected to tablets, smartphones and computers.

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