
Build DIY ECG Monitor with Digilent Analog Discovery Studio and NI LabVIEW

With Digilent Analog Discovery Studio and NI LabVIEW, you can build a DIY ECG monitor. The Analog Discovery Studio, available in Mouser, is equipped with 13 instruments, including an Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Waveform Generator, and more. It is also compatible to with NI LabVIEW

DIY ECG Monitor

You can use the Analog Discovery Studio’s Oscilloscope to measure the ECG signal. As the measured signal is of very low amplitude, it first needs to be amplified with external circuitry, which can be built on the Breadboard Canvas and supplied from the Analog Discovery Studio Power Supplies. The received data are sent to LabVIEW, where the postprocessing is done.

Step though steps at the tutorial and build the ECG circuit.

ECG Circuit Diagram_LabVIEW Block


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