Farnell element14 challenges engineers scare the 64-bit out of them!

Two best entries to win a 3D printer from element14, the community for engineers and makers, has announced a new competition to celebrate the season of frights and scares.  Engineers and members are asked to get involved with the chance of winning one of two Cel Robox 3D Printers from element14.

To get involved engineers can:

  • Build and document their past or present Halloween projects on the element14 community.
  • Tweet their best engineering spook using the hashtag #ShareTheScare.

The best entry in each category will receive a Cel Robox 3D printer, allowing them to bring their projects, or scariest moments to life!  For more information on the contests visit the Halloween space, or follow #sharethescare.

For engineers looking for inspiration,’s Halloweens space also  includes the best Halloween projects from the community including an Open Heart’ costume and motion activated scream and picture taker as well as Halloween episodes of the The Ben Heck Show.

The element14 community was the first community built specifically for engineers, makers educators and students looking for inspiration or ideas and support for their projects.  With over  500,000 members around the world, the Community provides support and inspiration through a combination of articles, design challenges, roadtests and the collective experience and knowledge of its members.

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