
BS-V emission norms for vehicles across India from 2019


India wil be soon implementing the Bharat Stage V or BS-V , emissions norms to be  regulatedr all over country.  This Emission norms will be regulated on vehicles from 2019, as stated by the government. This totally ends yp the oil ministry protest and progress of directly shifting from BS IV to BS VI to make a speedy progress in the Green Initiative.  According to the oil ministry website “ It has been already decided that BS V fuel emmision norms will be made into effect on entire country from 2019.”

Refiners were less synched with the oil ministry idea to directly take on the hands on BS VI , as overall structure of investment to produce from stage IV to stage VI will be similar as in case it will be additional costing from going from stage V then stage VI.  But carmakers were not agreeing with the same as it was heavy investment for them in one time clinch thus road transport and heavy industry ministry was opposing it.

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