
“Electron Superhighways”

A team of UVM materials scientists have invented a new way to create what they call as “an electron superhighway ” which is a low-cost blue dye called phthalocyanine  that  allow electrons to flow faster and farther in organic semiconductors. It could resolve and bring revolutionary ideas like TV screens that roll up. Roofing tiles that double as solar panels. Sun-powered cell phone chargers woven into the fabric of backpacks.

Hills and Potholes

Many electronic devices are based on flexible thin organic material films that catches sunlight and convert it into electric current using its excited states called “Excitons”, it  is a displaced electron bound together with the hole it left behind. They improve the efficiency of a semiconductor as before reaching the target they are broken down to produce current.

Better Solar Cells

A recent study by U. S Department of Energy brought forward that this new research would be powerful in exploring many new types of organic materials, and thus promising for improved solar cells, that will absorb the Excitons which are absorbed energy and will migrate through the system before splitting into charges which will be converted into electricity. “The molecules are stacked like dishes in a dish rack,” Furis explains, “these stacked molecules — this dish rack — is the electron superhighway.”

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