
Even after three drafts Road Safety Bill not ready, to get further delayed

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said on Monday that Interests opposing to the transparency and computerization in this transport sector are against the road safety bill. According to Road Transport and Highway Minister “ Despite our much effort the road Transport and Safety Bill 2015 could not be introduced in parliament which is very difficult for us to understand. On this act both state and center have rights. This bill will be taking control over driving license and other important things but some vested interests are trying to obstruct the passing of the bill.

The Government is making a vision of “ Accident Free India”  and will be mainly focusing on school going children and will be explaining them through cartoons and lessons on road safety. India is accounted for having one of the highest number of fatalities and accident per year. That is 1.5 lakh road fatalities globally recorded. They aim to reduce the rate by 50 %. This bill have heavy penalties on those who are involved in traffic violation or faulty driving license. Some of the states are against the bill stating that it is against the provisions of administrative and financial rights of the state.


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