
Hyundai Creta receives 75,000 bookings; co likely to meet target of fastest sales growth in 5 years

Hyundai motors India is all set to the subsidiary South Korean company to target over the 2015 fastest sales and grow to five years strong demand for its upcoming models. This company will be setting standards to sell 4.76 lakh units vehicles this year where 11,000 units will be more than the 4.65 lakh target that it has for the domestic market in India.

It will also be proving to meet up the export target of the 1.67 lakh units that will  make the 98 percent of its capacity as the highest Indian car maker company. This Indian unit will be stting up the 2015 record numbers to led the new age products capture the market such as that of  Creta and Elite, Rakesh Srivastava, senior vice president, sales said .


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