
Keysight Launches Test Solution for Electric Vehicle Charging and Grid-Edge Applications

New Scienlab Regenerative AC Emulator enhances existing solution for testing EV and EVSE charging standards and interoperability

Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS), a leading technology company that delivers advanced design and validation solutions to help accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, has launched the SL1200A Series Scienlab Regenerative 3-Phase AC Emulator. It is a comprehensive one-vendor solution consisting of hardware, software, consulting and support services for electric vehicle (EV) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) charging applications and grid-edge applications.

Energy infrastructures are changing, and in the automotive industry, the electrification of vehicles is expected to create significant charging demands on the grid, while expanding the opportunity for energy storage through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) power applications. Variable renewable energy (VRE) and distributed energy resources (DERs) in the form of solar, wind and battery storage are the dominant theme in global grid modernization initiatives to help meet increased demand. The evolution and increased complexity of the grid leads to test challenges within EV/EVSE charging and grid-edge applications.

Keysight’s SL1200A series handles 3-phase AC test needs up to 1,200 voltage alternating current (VAC), from 30 kVA to 630 kVA, without the need for a transformer. Two voltage ranges are available. The 600 VAC is ideal for low voltage inverter test, as well as EV and EVSE charging test applications. The 1,200 VAC allows for high voltage ride through (HVRT) testing without the need for a large, complex test setup.

“Keysight’s new SL1200A series extends Keysight’s EV and EVSE charging and grid-edge test portfolio,” said Thomas Goetzl, vice president and general manager of Keysight’s Automotive and Energy Solutions business unit. “Along with the company’s SL1040A and SL1047A Scienlab Charging Discovery System, it provides a complete solution that enables our customers to create real-world charging scenarios with confidence in the ability to meet global standards.”

Keysight’s SL1200A series delivers the following key customer benefits:

  • High-power, 3-phase AC and DC power source integrates with EV/EVSE charging and inverter test solutions for complete test of devices.
  • DC output (Option SDC) enables high-power DC charging test, up to 1,000 V DC and 120 kW; eliminating the need and expense for extra equipment.
  • 100% regenerative (bidirectional) power solution with > 85% efficiency to reduce the cost of test with highly integrated capabilities.
  • Achieve 1200 V line-to-line (L-L) at full specifications without extra equipment to reduce cost, increase performance and save space.
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