Electronics Component

AMD expands G-Series processor range

AMD has recently been in news to launch the 3rd generation AMD embedded G series Soc that is Embedded G series LX SoC . According the expansion in the design is due to provide scaling of x86 platform as well . This will be entry level embedded G series . It has also announced two of its G series SoC that are named  ‘Prairie Falcon’ and ‘Brown Falcon’, which introduce pin compatibility for G-Series processors with the higher performance AMD Embedded R-Series SoC.

These products will be vital to lower the power capabilities of all the SoC embedded G series and along with will get an eye over the performance, price cut and CPU and GPU prices as well , Multimedia stuff and I/O hardware . This G series will be providing a platform to the many application ranging in gaming  digital signage, imaging, and industrial control to provide better experience to the users.


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