Electronics Component

Orange Tree Technology launches SuperSpeed USB FPGA module

The ZestSC3 is a simple to utilize FPGA module with a Xilinx Artix-7 user programmable FPGA and a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface. It gives a straightforward approach to transfer a lot of data immediately between a PC and the outside world. The ZestSC3 USB 3.0 interface can sustain 360MBytes/sec data transfer in either direction.

With its compact form factor (40mm x 50mm), high level of integration and low external component requirements, the module is ideally suited to integration in embedded systems and OEM equipment. The Xilinx FPGA can be programmed from on-board Flash, USB or JTAG. It can be used as a programmable interface to external devices, for high speed processing of streaming data, and for data acquisition and control.

The ZestSC3 uses the well-proven Cypress FX3 USB controller chip and comes pre-loaded with optimised firmware to act as a communications bridge between the FPGA and host computer. The FX3 provides a flexible high speed streaming interface alongside out-of-band low speed control and status interfaces.

The new USB 3.0 FPGA module can be used as a stand-alone board powered over USB and includes the ability to program the user FPGA and flash over USB without requiring additional programming cables or hardware. Requiring only a single 3.3V-5V power supply it is simple to integrate into a larger system.

The large FPGA coupled to high performance DDR3 SDRAM memory makes for a powerful combination for data processing between the USB 3.0 interface and any external peripherals. ZestSC3 is supplied with a complete set of FPGA cores for its peripherals, a host library and example code to simplify development

  • Easy to use and simple to integrate into products
  • Offers simple access to very fast data rates over USB without having to integrate complex hardware and software
  • Interface to numerous sensors and devices
  • Out of the box solution – quick and easy to set up
  • Highly portable, with power drawn entirely from USB cables if required, so it can be used with a laptop for development work or ease of demonstration
  • Breakout board available with standard 0.1” pitch connectors for maximum flexibility and integration


  • 360MBytes/sec sustained data rate in each direction over SuperSpeed USB3.0 connection
  • Xilinx Artix-7 User FPGA and 512MBytes DDR3 memory
  • 8Mbytes of flash for FPGA configuration and user data storage
  • 105 User IO pins
  • Single power supply and low external component count
  • Windows and Linux software support for configuring and communicating with the User FPGA
  • Logic cores for all FPGA interfaces
  • Reference designs (including C, VHDL and Verilog source)

Source: Orange Tree Tech


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