Electronics Component

Sundance EMC2-Z7030 SBC integrates Xilinx SDSoC development environment

Sundance Multiprocessor Technology has recently integrated with  Xilinx’s SDSoC development environment on the single board computer SBC EMC2-Z7030. It is basically a range of industrial grade that has a deployment ready SBC unit that will be featuring the properties of the  Xilinx Zynq SoC with integrated dual-core ARM-A9 CPUs coupled to 1Gbyte of DDR3 memory that has  four-lanes of PCI-Express and re-programmable logic with Kintex-7 FPGA technology.

This environment is a fully system optimized unit compiler that works on C /C++ and further the engineers will be taking all the advantage of the algorithms that will offer greater speed and reliability . This new development will offer the flow to the Eclipse based graphic user interface programming over C/ C++ and the debugging of the ARM A9 cpu.



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