
Premature baby wins race against time

A Utah woman tells how she was able to rescue his 4 months premature child on the Caribbean cruise with the help and support of its medical staff and makeshift incubator. Her name is Emily Morgan , 28, she told the Associated press that she couldn’t have saved the son if proper aid would net have been available. she was actually due for the December month but contractions began on 31 Aug, when she was on a cruise where she was for her daughter’s third birthday. Her pregnancy was very uneventful ,as she was shocked on being just half the way of her pregnancy. After the delivery with the help of medical staff she was told that she had a miscarriage but after 45 minutes the baby survived but was not expected to live long. “I had felt him kicking. I felt the process of him getting bigger,” she said. “I said, `I’m going to see him, I don’t care if he’s alive or if he’s dead.”‘

she used microwave saline packets to make an incubator, while the boat was speeding and arrived two hours early on the coast. They were rushed to the hospital and he survived but needs constant medication who’s bills are severe issue for the family and they seek for online help for the premature arrival.

A baby like Haiden born so early and so far from a hospital has a less-than-10 percent chance of survival, said Dr. Bradley Yoder, medical director of the newborn intensive care unit at the University of Utah.

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