
University of Anglia claims the possibility to develop a computer from DNA

Scientists at University of East Anglia have come up with a research suggesting the possibility of producing computers with DNA instead of silicon chips. They describe the process as switching of the structure of DNA using copper salts and EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid).

The success of this discovery could lead to various applications including nanotechnology, for example, use of DNA to make micro-machines, DNA based computing, detection of copper cations in water bodies etc.

As rightly said by researcher Dr Zoë Waller, from UEA’s school of Pharmacy,

“A potential application of this finding could be to create logic gates for DNA based computing. Logic gates are an elementary building block of digital circuits — used in computers and other electronic equipment. They are traditionally made using diodes or transistors which act as electronic switches.

“This research expands how DNA could be used as a switching mechanism for a logic gate in DNA-based computing or in nano-technology.”

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