
World Health Day 2015 Special

Every year on 29 September we celebrate World Heart Day. This is an annual international campaign which is started to spread the awareness of heart related problems and diseases and measures to prevent it. It was first celebrated in 2000 by World Health Federation to make people realize the risks related to heart due to our negligence. Almost every year around 17.3 million are claimed to have heart disease.   WHO ( world Health organization) has urged to reduce salt consumption which takes account of almost 2.5 million people to die of heart disease every year.

Every year World Health Day is celebrated with different themes. This is an initiative to improve health globally to make earth a heart disease free environment.  Main causes of Heart disease is lack of exercise, overeating, consumption of fast and fatty foods, high blood pressure and unhealthy diet. Some of the symptoms are As in some cases one can have chest pain while it may be mild pain in some other cases. Some may have discomfort, lac k of energy, shortness of breath and dizziness. Proper care of our heart need to be taken with adequate diet, exercise, sleep , maintained blood pressure, regular check ups and managing diabetes. heart stroke is not only common in adults and old people but also in children because of lack of diet or physical activity.


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