
Microchip debuts advanced motor control tool with auto tuning and self-commissioning capability

motorBench™ Development Suiteavailable now with initial board and motor

An advanced motor control software plug-in for Microchip’s MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with auto tuning and self-commissioning capability is now available from Microchip Technology Inc., a leading provider of microcontroller, mixed-signal, analogand Flash-IP solutions. The plug-in, called motorBench™ Development Suite, is a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based tool with automatic tuning of feedback control gains and offline accurate measurement of critical motor parameters such as resistance, inductances and the back electromagnetic force (EMF) constant.

This plug-in collects all the information relevant to the motor control system and automatically tunes the control algorithm gains. The software thenuses this information to generate MPLAB X IDE project code ready to run on Microchip’s dsPIC33EP family of Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs). The generated code can then be reviewed and edited as needed and flashed as motor control firmware.

“Developing solutions with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM), including tuning the control loops for speed and torque, can be time consuming and complicated to get the motor spinning reliably,” said Joe Thomsen, vice president of Microchip’s MCU16 business unit. “With the motorBench Development Suite this process is automated so customers can focus on other parts of firmware development and speed their time-to-market. This initial launch is just the start of what we expect will be a game changer for our motor control customers.”

The motorBench Development Suite is currently available using Microchip’s dsPICDEM™ MCLV-2 development board (Part #DM330021-2) with a dsPIC33EP256MC506 External OpAmp Motor Control Plug-in-Module (PIM) (Part #MA330031-2)and a 24V 3-phase brushless DC motor with encoder (Part #AC300022), all available today through microchipDIRECT or one of Microchip’s authorised distribution partners.

For more information about Microchip’s motorBench Development Suite

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