
Smart Metering Platform Available on 32-bit MCU Product Family Equipped with an MPL460 PLC Modem

Microchip’s PIC32CXMT provides maximum flexibility with three tiered devices including a single core, dual core and system-on-chip (SOC) to streamline smart meter and communications infrastructure development

The design complexity of smart meters continues to evolve as different communicationssolutionsare integrated into the framework and as regulatory compliance requirements are mandated. To meet the growing demand for a feature-rich yet simple design solution for developing smart meters, Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP) today announcesthePIC32CXMT family of 32-bit microprocessors with a new MPL460 Power Line Communication (PLC) modem. The new suite of MCU devices isanext-generation smart metering platform targetingindustrial IoT, commercial and industrial metering applications. The platform boasts increased performance with up to 200MHz operation and broad scalability with up to 560KB of memory (SRAM).

To provide developers with optimal flexibility to scale their products, the PIC32CXMT family is offered in three variants based on a single Arm®Cortex®-M4F core, a dual Arm Cortex-M4 core and a system-on-chip (SoC) device. The MPL460 PLC modem integrates the line driver for signal amplification, which reduces the bill of materials and maintains a top-performing signal injection efficiency above 40% due to its class-D topology.ThePLC modem helps to increaseefficiency and reliabilitybased on power delivered to the load and power taken from the supply, resulting in an overall reduction in consumption from the source during transmission.

“The newPIC32CXMT MCUs,combined with a MPL460 PLC modem, deliver an unmatched level of scalability and performance to support the architecture of a widerange of meters,” said KouroshBoutorabi, director of Microchip’sSmart Energy business unit. “This second generation of our highly successful metering products demonstrates our commitment to offering a broad portfolio of SoCs that enable a flexible and secure smart metering platform with options to select from best-in-class metrology to leading-edge connectivity.”

The platform provides several transceiver solutions including a radio/PHY, a PLC/PHY or the option to select a PLC+RF hybrid solution. There is also an option for a metrology and communications software suite that is compliant with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) andInternational Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) metering standards up to class 0.2 percent accuracy. It also supports standards for wired and wireless communications, such as G3-PLC and PRIME.

As smart metering devices are connected, the need for security is critical in any design. The PIC32CXMT MCUs offer standard and proprietaryon-chiphardware security features to ensure optimal performance and memory utilization.

Development Tools

The PIC32CXMT family and MPL460 modemare supported by Microchip’s MPLAB® Harmony v3 embedded software framework. Otherresources include IAR Systems, Arm,Keil Development Environment, G3-PLC and PRIME software.

Pricing and Availability

The PIC32CXMT family and MPL460are now sampling on a limited basis.For additional information, contact aMicrochip sales representative.

  • Single-Core, SAM4C, PIC32CXMT-G series
  • Dual-Core, PIC32CXMT-C series
  • System-on-Chip, SAM4CM, PIC32CXMT-SH series
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