
Mouser Electronics New Product Insider: November 2019

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Global Distributor Leads in New Product Introductions

As an authorized distributor, Mouser Electronics, Inc. is focused on the rapid introduction of new products and technologies, giving customers an edge and helping speed time to market. Over 800 semiconductor and electronic component manufacturers count on Mouser to help them introduce their products into the global marketplace. Mouser’s customers can expect 100% certified, genuine products that are fully traceable from each manufacturer.

Last month, Mouser launched more than 434 new products ready for same-day shipment. Some of the products introduced by Mouser last month include:

• Microchip Technology DM320118 CryptoAuth Trust Platform Kit
Microchip DM320118 CryptoAuth Trust Platform Kit is a CryptoAuthentication™ evaluation kit used for exploring and developing solutions for the IoT space with a pre-provisioned ATECC608A Trust&GO, pre-configured TrustFLEX, and fully customizable TrustCUSTOM products.

• Texas Instruments AWR1843 mmWave Automotive Radar Sensor
The TI AWR1843 is an integrated single-chip frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar sensor designed for mmWave applications in low-power, self-monitored, ultra-accurate automotive radar systems.

• Molex Micro-Lock Plus Vertical Connectors
Molex Micro-Lock Plus vertical connectors are 1.25-mm pitch vertical headers with a positive lock feature and an optional potting capability. These vertical headers are ideal for use in a variety of industrial and consumer applications.

• Osram Opto Semiconductors Oslon® P1616 Infrared Emitters
Osram Opto Semiconductors Oslon P1616 devices are double-stack infrared (IR) emitters for applications such as CCTV surveillance, eye tracking, gesture recognition, and security.

To see more of the New Product Insider highlights, go to

With its broad product line and unsurpassed customer service, Mouser strives to empower innovation among design engineers and buyers by delivering advanced technologies. Mouser stocks the world’s widest selection of the latest semiconductors and electronic components for the newest design projects. Mouser Electronics’ website is continually updated and offers advanced search methods to help customers quickly locate inventory. also houses data sheets, supplier-specific reference designs, application notes, technical design information, and engineering tools.

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