
New eBook from Mouser and Microchip Dives Into the Newest Life-Changing IoT Applications

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest semiconductors and electronic components, announces a new eBook, in collaboration with Microchip Technology, that explores cutting-edge applications for the newest Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. In Concept to Creation, leading experts from Mouser and the industry provide details on the newest uses for IoT technology, highlighting the relevant Microchip products necessary to bring innovative designs to life. The eBook features in-depth articles on topics such as intelligent farming and IoT-empowered childcare, as well as useful resources for facilitating cloud connectivity.

Many IoT devices have already become household fixtures, including home assistants and smart lighting. However, IoT solutions have the potential to revolutionize processes far beyond the living room, with developers already thinking about smart agriculture, smart manufacturing and smart cities. The new eBook offers detailed insight into the possibilities for IoT, from streamlining supply chain and manufacturing processes to managing the infrastructure that will comprise our smart cities.

Concept to Creation, the new eBook from Mouser and Microchip, features detailed information on products including the MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The highly configurable IDE provides developers with the necessary tools for every step of the design process using Microchip’s digital signal controllers and microcontrollers. The ATmega328PB Xplained Mini evaluation kit features a fully integrated debugger and enables easy integration of the ATmega328PB microcontroller into customer designs. Additionally, the eBook highlights the ATECC608A CryptoAuthentication devices for security management on IoT networks, offering key features including authentication, confidentiality, and data encryption. The Microchip PIC-IoT WG development board features a PIC microcontroller, Wi-Fi module, and CryptoAuthentication secure element IC to create a plug-and-play solution for the development of almost all IoT devices, including smart lighting systems and wireless sensor nodes.

To learn more about Microchip, visit read the new eBook, go to

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