
Now at Mouser: Maxim’s Space-Saving MAXM15642 and MAXM17532 µSLIC Power Modules Shrink Solution Size by 2x


Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components, is now stocking the MAXM15462 and MAXM17532 step-down DC-DC power modules from Maxim Integrated. Offering an ultra-small power source to drive new developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the micro system-level ICs (µSLIC) deliver the benefits of industry-best switching regulators in a form factor that is over two times smaller than previous power modules.

The Maxim MAXM15462 and MAXM17532 and modules, available from Mouser Electronics, are part of Maxim’s Himalaya series of voltage regulator ICs and power modules, which enable cooler, smaller, and simpler power supply solutions. The MAXM15642 module operates over a wide input-voltage range of 4.5 V to 42 V and delivers up to 300 mA output current over a programmable output voltage from 0.9 V to 5 V, while the MAXM17532 module has a slightly different input-voltage range of 4 V to 42 V, up to 100 mA output current, and an adjustable output voltage from 0.9 V to 5.5 V. Both modules integrate a controller, MOSFETs, inductor, and compensation components in a miniscule 2.6 mm × 3.0 mm × 1.5 mm package. Both also use peak-current-mode control architecture and offer a soft-start feature to reduce input inrush current.

Suitable for use in harsh electrical, mechanical, and thermal environments, the MAXM15642 and MAXM17532 power modules deliver increased energy efficiency, shock and vibration tolerance, high temperature operation, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) compliance. The devices boast an ambient operating temperature range of minus 40 to 125 degrees Celsius and are guarded by hiccup overcurrent protection and overtemperature protection. Ideal for space-constrained applications in small enclosures, the modules offer a power solution to support next-generation industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) sensors, motor encoders, network infrastructure equipment, 4mA to 20mA current-loop powered sensors, and low dropout (LDO) regulator replacement.

For more information about the MAXM15642 module, go to

To learn more about the MAXM17532 module, visit

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