

RECOM announces upgrade to R-78 series switching regulators.

The R-78 series of three-terminal switching regulators from RECOM has been a very popular high-efficiency replacement for three-terminal, TO-220 style linear regulators, saving energy, board space, and cost, by eliminating heatsinks and their assembly overheads. For 2023, RECOM has launched an upgrade to the series, denoted R-78Kxx, with improved specifications. Versions rated at 0.5A, 1A, and 2A are available, with fixed outputs now including 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, and 6.5V, depending on model, as well as the traditional outputs 3.3V, 5V, 9V, 12V, and 15V. Input voltage range has been extended to 36V maximum, and peak efficiency across the range has increased to 96%, allowing all parts to operate at 90°C ambient – many with no derating.

All R-78K series parts feature under-voltage lockout and short-circuit protection with automatic recovery and can meet EN 55032 class B EMC specifications with a simple input filter. The 0.5A and 1A rated versions are in a SIP-3 miniature package, with a footprint of 11.5 x 7.55mm and a height of 10.2mm, while the 2A version is in a 11.5 x 8.5mm footprint and 17.5mm high, again in a SIP-3 arrangement.

“This is a significant upgrade to our economical and successful R-78 series, making them even more versatile with more output options and a wider input and operating temperature range,” comments Matthew Dauterive, MSc, DC/DC Product Manager of RECOM.

Parts include a three-year warranty, and samples and OEM pricing are available from all authorized distributors or directly from RECOM.

For more information, please visit

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