CEA, Soitec, GlobalFoundries and STMicroelectronics working together to define technology and ecosystem roadmap CEA, Soitec, GlobalFoundries and STMicroelectronics have announced a new...
Joint efforts deliver Microsoft Azure IoT cloud reference implementation integrating Arm® trusted firmware and based on STM32U5 IoT discovery kit Solution combines...
STA8135GA is first automotive-qualified single-chip GNSS receiver to integrate triple-band positioning measurement engine Highly integrated solution enhances system reliability and cost-effectiveness Performance...
ST’s latest-generation silicon-carbide (SiC) power devices extend leadership in performance and reliability for e-mobility and energy-efficient industry Continued long-term investment in SiC...
STMicroelectronics has announced new STM32Cube software packs and tools, as well as evaluation boards, to accelerate development with the latest STM32U5 microcontrollers...
ST31N600 secure microcontroller integrates energy harvesting and biometric security with latest-generation Arm® SecurCore™ processor Biometric System-on-Card (BSoC) and dynamic card verification (dCVV) solutions...
STMicroelectronics has released TouchGFX Version 4.18 for user-interface development with STM32* microcontrollers (MCUs), adding video playback, enhanced tools for multi-developer collaboration, and...
To support the positioning market with state-of-the-art GNSS chipset and modules, STMicroelectronics has introduced the Teseo-VIC3DA, the latest member of the Teseo...
STMicroelectronics has increased the I2C-interface performance in the latest generation of its ST25DV-I2C dynamic NFC-tag ICs, which let the host system access...
By Kamaldeep Bansal, System Applications and Intergation Lab, STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is the wireless communication technology available in...