Powerful chipset features 98 percent efficiency in a compact, thermally efficient package Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI), the leader in high-voltage integrated circuits...
Software companion to Bridge Switch motor-driver ICs controls and configures high-efficiency single- and three-phase BLDC inverters Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI), the leader...
1700V GaN InnoMux-2IC delivers efficiency of better than 90 percent from a 1000 VDC bus ,supplying up to 60 W from three...
BLDC motor hardware-software combo slashes inverter sleep-mode consumption to less than 10 mW, expands output power to 1 HP Power Integrations (NASDAQ:...
NTCtemperature readoutimproves accuracy, increasing reliability and module utilization by up to 30 percent Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI), the leader in gatedriver technology...
Transaction supports continuing development of high-voltage,high-powerGaN technology Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI), the leader in high-voltage integrated circuits for energy-efficient power conversion, today...