New 235nm Far UV-C LEDs and Optics Design Delivers Clean Water Dispenser Chamber, With NozzleShield UV Silanna UV is pleased to announce...
Mercury-Free UV LED Source with ESD Protection in a Compact 6.8mm Package Silanna UV will launch a new 235nm Quad High-Power far-UVC...
Mercury-Free UV LED Source with ESD Protection in a Compact 6.8mm Package Silanna UV will launch a new 235nm Quad High-Power far-UVC...
New 235nm Source is a Significant Advance in Disinfection Technology Silanna UV will launch its latest Far-UVC Proximity Exposure Module at the...
Partnering on Better Far UVC and Deep UVC LEDs for Germicidal UV, Chemical Sensing Silanna UV will unveil a new distribution partnership...
Detects Nitrates and Organics Rapidly – Environmentally Safe, Low Power, and Long Lifetime Silanna UV will demonstrate innovative new technology for detection...