Built on Trench IGBT Technology, Half-Bridge Devices Offer Choice of Low VCE(ON) or Low Eoff for High-Current Inverter Stages Vishay Intertechnology, Inc....
Device Offers High Power Density and Improved Thermal Performance in 3.3 mm x 3.3 mm PowerPAK® 1212 F Package With Center Gate...
Device Offers Simple Integration, Precise Signal Detection, and Design Flexibility for Heart Rate Monitoring and Pulse Oximetry Applications in Wearables Vishay Intertechnology,...
Featuring a VCSEL and Smart Dual I²C Slave Address, Device Is Ideal for Battery-Powered Consumer Applications, Including TWS Earphones and VR /...
Devices Offer Drop-in Replacements for Existing Solutions With Lower Current Consumption, Wider Voltage Range, and Improved ESD Robustness, Dark-Ambient Sensitivity, and Performance...
High Speed Devices Save Energy in Industrial Applications While Enabling Usage With Low Voltage Microcontrollers and I²C Bus Systems Vishay Intertechnology, Inc....
Hermetically Sealed Devices Deliver High Reliability for Avionics and Aerospace Applications at a Reduced Cost Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) today announced...
Offered in 10.6 mm by 6.5 mm by 3 mm Package, microBRICK® Devices Are Up to 69 % Smaller Than Competing Solutions...
Vishay Intertechnology, Rutronik, and Elmos Semiconductor today announced they will present a joint exhibit of leading-edge e-mobility electronic solutions at electronica India...
Featuring a New In-House Designed IC, Devices Provide Pin to Pin Replacements for Previous-Generation Solutions While Offering 50 % Lower Power Consumption...