Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments – Gas gauge communicates via I2C-compatible or single-wire HDQ interface (BQ78Z100)

The Texas Instruments has come up with bq78z100  Battery Monitor that is basically fully integrated  fat best solution that will be using a Programmable instruction self that is basically reduce custom instruction set (RISC) .  It  provides safety protection , authentication of the 1 and 2 series cell Lithium ion and Lithium polymer battery packs. This bq78z100  device will be logically providing a set of array of battery and system safety function that will also provide features such as overcurrent and discharge, short circuit while charging, and short circuit and discharge protection mode.  Not only this it will also provide FET  protectionand the N  channels FET. With the help of the firmware this device can take up a large features over the array that will protect over voltage, under voltage,  over temperature and many such thing as discussed by the company.


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