
Dual power Schottky diodes by WeEn Semiconductors

Made using the popular second-generation (G2) silicon (Si) technology.

These dual common cathode power Schottky diodes are an excellent example of the Trench silicon semiconductor structure. Thanks to the use of the second generation (G2) of this technology, the diodes achieve the following parameters:

  • favourable VFvoltage drop of 0.63V – 0.95V;
  • lower IRreverse current;
  • high Tjjunction temperature, up to 150°C.

Dual diodes by WeEn are available in the following packages:

  • D2PAK (SMD);
  • TO220AB (THT).

TO220 i D2PAK

TO220 Schottky rectifier diodes & D2PAK package

Dual Schottky rectifier diodes are widely applied in common rectifiers, e.g.:  DC/DC converters, switched-mode power supplies, UPS systems – wherever long-term reliability and reduction of switching losses are important.

Max. reverse voltage: 100V
Max. forward current: 20/30/40A
Package: TO220/D2PAK
Semiconductor structure: dual, common cathode

Text prepared by Transfer Multisort Elektronik Sp. z o.o.

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