
Great potential of HARTING Han-Modular® Domino

New series of HDC modular connectors

In today’s industry, especially in the areas undergoing automation, there is an increasing need to provide machines with not only power supply and control signals but also communication lines. It does not, however, change the main requirement for industrial connectors, which is that they are expected to provide high IP-rated and mechanically durable connection while still maintaining a compact size. Modular connectors are commonly used for that exact purpose, thanks to which sockets and plugs strictly adapted for the application can be constructed. This area is also subject to the constant evolution. Excellent examples of that evolution are new solutions from HARTING: the Han Modular series of modules.

Han-Modular® Domino series

The Han-Modular® Domino series of products has been prepared with a view to cope with the new challenges that the developing industry keeps posing for the manufactures of modular connectors. The Domino series aims to provide various kinds of connections designed to meet the needs of automation and industrial devices while still maintaining the compact dimensions of plugs and sockets. The name of the series comes from the shape of “cubes” – once combined in pairs, they become modules that look a bit like a Domino cube. It means that each slot in the Han-Modular® housing can accommodate with two Domino-type modules, whose functions and placement can be combined freely (the orientation remains the same, which facilitates pairing the connectors).

Thanks to that, just one, even more compact Han-Modular housing is enough to supply to the target device power, control signals, communication lines and even pneumatic lines. Domino cubes and protection caps are fully compatible with the already existing accessories used in the Modular series, so they comply with the global industrial standards present on the market for many years.

The overview of the Domino components is presented below, including their specification and intended applications. Thanks to the variety and high operation parameters, they can perform most of the main functions required of connectors.

Han D modules

The Han D modules are multi-purpose components equipped with 6 or 16 contacts. They can be used to feed control signals, serve communication purposes and supply power to the connected devices (they support standard voltages up to 250V and currents up to 10A). They are compatible with conductors with a core cross-section of 2.5mm2.

Han E modules

The Han E modules have been adapted for higher rated voltages (even 400V) and currents up to 16A. They are mainly intended for power supply purposes, feature 4 contacts and are compatible with conductors with cross-sections of up to 4mm2. The Han E inserts have been designed for a wide temperature range from -40°C to 125°C.

Han Pneumatic modules

The Han Pneumatic components are designed for applications involving dry, clean air under pressure up to 10bar. The presence of these modules in the Domino series offer broadens the scope of application of compact connectors with machines using suction cups used for transport, actuators, etc. At the same time, the Han Pneumatic elements are fully compatible with electric modules and they can all share the slots in a single housing. The cubes come with both male and female connectors, and do not require any extra elements to provide a high IP-rated connection.

M12 modules

The M12 connectors are commonly used in industry to ensure tight, lightweight and easy to implement communication and control connections. The Domino cubes enable retaining the main properties of the connectors while complying with HDC hinged frames from HARTING. Thanks to that, technicians can use the generally accepted standard which, in many cases, will facilitate the retrofitting of existing installations.

HDC Harting connector: 09149212101

Protection caps

Naturally, it is rare to use the full capacity of the Modular hinged frames even in complex systems of industrial automation. If there is an odd number of Domino cubes, it is necessary to use protection caps because thanks to them, all of the modules can be secured in place and properly fixed in a prepared connector. Because they have been made from the same material as the modules, they also offer wide thermal tolerance and V-0 flammability rating in accordance with the UL94 standard.

Text prepared by Transfer MultisortElektronik Sp. z o.o.

The original

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