
POWERSEM tri-phase bridge rectifier

With the application of glass passivated technology.

Bridge rectifiers are fundamental and commonly used electronic components. They consist of a set of semi-conductor diodes enclosed in a single housing and connected in a manner allowing for achievement of direct current from an AC source. These components are used in all devices that contain electronic circuits powered from the power grid (so,_in fact,_in most electronic equipment). A wide selection of bridge rectifiers is available on the market; today we propose a less typical component for our customers, intended for work with tri-phase power sources. This is the PSD25T/12 bridge rectifier from POWERSEM.

The presented bridge rectifier serves for building power feeders in housings powered with three phases – without a neutral conductor (or even a protective earth conductor). Inside the compact housing, with dimensions of 28.5×28.5x10mm, there are 6 P-N structures (rectifying diodes), additionally coated with glass. This technology is called glass passivated, and its advantage is enhanced resistance of the bridge rectifier to environmental conditions and better insulation of individual structures. This results in enhanced resistance to electrical breakdown, allows for the flow of high currents and translates to high reliability of the component.

The element’s compact housing makes it possible to save space inside the target device. It is equipped with a hole serving for fixation of the bridge rectifier. Electrical connection is done by means of standard connectors (6.3×0.8mm), which allow for quick installation and placement of the component in any position. What is more, the bridge rectifier can be connected directly to the cables through which power is supplied to the device. The PSD25T/12 tri-phase bridge rectifier from POWERSEM is perfectly suited for inverters, power feeders, local power feeders/DC motor controllers and similar applications.


PSD25T/12 bridge rectifier

Type of bridge rectifier tri-phase
Max. reverse voltage 1200V
Conduction current 25A
Max. current in pulse 380A
Electrical installation THT
Version square
Max. conduction voltage 2.2V
Leads 6.3×0.8mm connectors
Type of packaging bulk
Properties glass passivated

Text prepared by Transfer Multisort Elektronik Sp. z o.o.

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