
Solid-state relays and high power semiconductor modules

Overview of the IXYS product range.


In modern automation equipment, including that for the consumer segment, such as household appliances, controllers based solely on semiconductor components are becoming increasingly common. This technological development has been possible thanks to a number of innovations that have been introduced in recent decades in the field of production technology for transistors, diodes and related components. These innovations include not only continuous improvements of manufacturing processes, but also the use of new materials. IXYS is one of the brands that have been developing high-power transistor and diode technologies for years. Below, you will find an overview of products from this manufacturer – all of which are available directly from the TME catalogue. For more detailed information, please refer to the parameters of individual products and the documents available on product pages.

Semiconductor (discrete) modules by IXYS

Diode modules

Products included in the diode module group are based on two technologies: FRED (and related) and SiC. The former are products of the Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes group, i.e. diodes adapted for high-frequency operation. However, with the maximum shortening of the switching time, their nominal parameters decrease (lower currents). In some applications, an operating frequency of, say, 20kHz might be desirable. By exceeding the threshold of human hearing, it is possible to build, among others, noiseless inverters. In the case of SiC elements (i.e. based on silicon carbide) the main advantages of the products include: higher voltage and higher forward current (also resistance to higher pulse current), as well as higher thermal resistance. Thanks to these features, IXYS diode modules can be used in high-power solar inverters or welding equipment, among others.


Module containing two diodes connected in series.

Most of the modules are supplied by the manufacturer in a standard SOT-227B (miniBLOC) package or in a related TO240AA – equipped with screw terminals and mounting holes. Our offer also includes components designed for through-hole mounting (THT). The modules contain semiconductor components arranged in several configurations, including two independent diodes and two diodes connected in series (rectifier bridge component).

MOSFET transistor modules

Transistor modules, i.e. modules based on unipolar power transistors, are components intended for use in, among others, switched-mode power supplies, DC/DC converters, as well as drivers for DC and AC motors and servo controllers (e.g. industrial robotics components). Depending on the model, the modules can control currents of up to 660A and are designed for voltages (drain-source) of up to 1.4kV. Aluminium nitride insulation (approx. 2500V), standard miniBLOC package and resistance to high pulse currents make IXYS transistor modules a good choice for industrial applications.


Transistor module in typical miniBLOC package.

TME offers components with the following performance ranges:

Gate-source voltage: from ±15V to ±40V
Drain-source voltage: from 40V to 1.2kV
Drain current: from 20A to 660A
Pulsed drain current: from 50A to 1.8kV

Thyristor modules and others

Other high-current components from IXYS have also been added to the TME offer. These include IGBT modules (insulated-gate bipolar transistors) designed for work with a high switching frequency. They are available as single transistors as well as half-bridges (including compact SMT components) and integrated converters designed for controlling three-phase motors.

Diode and thyristor modules consist of a diode and a thyristor connected in series, while in thyristor modules both elements are thyristors. In both cases, these products offer a maximum forward current of up to about 500A, high resistance to pulsed currents and feature screw-mounted leads (with the exception of gate connectors and Kelvin leads allowing the thyristors to be controlled at their maximum frequency).



IGBT module for surface mounting.

Solid-state relays by IXYS

The single-phase solid-state relays by IXYS are based on the manufacturer’s OptoMOS technology. It assumes the production of fast, compact and discrete relays. IXYS relays consist of four integrated circuits. The control voltage supplies power to the driver of an infrared light-emitting diode LED. The radiation falls onto a photovoltaic array connected to a control circuit, whose function is to switch on a high-current MOSFET (and in effect to connect the relay outputs). This design ensures not only fast operation of the SSR component (e.g. 2ms to switch on, 250µs to switch off), but also excellent isolation of circuits (for some models it is 5kV). Thanks to the use of high-quality components from the manufacturer, the switching voltage can reach even 1kV (AC or DC) at the maximum operating current of 11A.



Solid-state relay in compact i4-pac package (heat sink can be added as an option).

IXYS SSR products are available in both through-hole and surface-mount (SMT, THT) packages. The high-current components are designed to accommodate heat sinks, however, these will not always be necessary: the operating temperature range for these products is -40°C to 85°C.

Text prepared by Transfer Multisort Elektronik Sp. z o.o.

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