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Additive printing for custom electronic components?



Researchers from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, have been demonstrating the combination aspect of the two different technologies together that includes to create a thin film and then to cut designs from those films that will be working as custom components for the electronics.  This approach of combining the attributes with the laser will be providing a polymer assisted deposition (PAD) . In the technology of LIFT a laser beam is used to vaporize this thin layer of  the solvent and then eject and paste the ink over it to decompose the polymer.

Accordingly the NRL team will be containing a vanadium oxide (VO2) that will be undergoing a sharp semiconductor phase transition that too at the room temperature , thus making it applicable for the application such as the room switches, coatings, chemical sensors etc. So far team has been successful in gaining some of the components by this method thus showing that LIFT and PAD technologies will work commercially wonders together.

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