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8th edition of India Smart Utility Week 2022

International Experts from Research Institutes, Government Institutions, Regulatory Commissions, Think Tanks, Academia and Technology Companies from all the Continents are expected to join the Conference and share their experience and expertise

India Smart Grid Forum, a PPP initiative of Government of India, is organising the 8th edition of their annual flagship event – India Smart Utility Week (ISUW 2022) from 02 – 04 March 2022, an International Conference and Exhibition on Smart Energy and Smart Mobility on Digital Platform ( ISUW 2022 will bring together India’s leading Electricity, Gas and Water Utilities, Policy Makers, Regulators, Investors and world’s top-notch Smart Energy Experts and Researchers to discuss trends, share best practices and showcase next generation technologies and products in smart energy, smart mobility and smart cities domains. ISUW 2022 conference will have sessions on varied themes such as Digitalization of Utilities and Digitalization Roadmaps; Regulations for the Evolving Green Grid of the 21st Century; Cyber Security for the Digitalized Grids; Grid Integrated Vehicles (GIV); Power System Flexibility; Cyber Security for Digital Utilities; Disruptive Technologies and Innovations for Utilities; Green Hydrogen Mission. A special plenary session is scheduled on “Evolving Architecture of the 21st Century Grid with Two-Way Power Flows”. ISUW 2022 will also include interactive workshops, keynotes, technical sessions and technical paper presentations. Bi-lateral Smart Grid workshops with EU, USA and Germany will be held at the upcoming edition.

Experts from Government will join for roundtable discussions at ISUW and workshops will be conducted for delegates on topics such as Interconnection of Regional Grids in Asia; Electric Cooking; Smart Metering – Rollout Challenges; System Integration Architecture, Smart Meter Operations Centre (SMOC); District Cooling Systems; Urban Air Mobility Systems (UAM); Live Line Maintenance in Utilities; 5G for Smart Utilities and Smart Cities. Seminars are planned on the following key areas: Smart City Gas Distribution and Smart Water Distribution.

6th Edition of ISGF Innovation Awards will be organised as part of ISUW 2022. ISGF Innovation Awards instituted in 2017 are aimed to recognize and to celebrate organizations (utilities and technology companies), projects, products and personalities that have set new benchmarks in Electricity, Gas and Water Sectors. ISGF has selected and recognized more than 179 such organizations/individuals so far through these awards. The 6th Edition of ISGF Innovation Awards 2022 will be conferred to the Winners on 04 March 2022.

India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) invites public and private utilities, urban local bodies, technology companies, start-ups, researchers and academia to be a part of the international conference and exhibition.
Background of India Smart Utility Week Conference and Exhibition

India is spearheading an ambitious mission on energy transition and is the only major economies that exceeded the targets under the Paris Agreement by end of 2020. India has now set a new target of 500 GW of renewable energy by 2030; and working on innovative policies and programs for holistic transformation to decarbonize the energy, transport, manufacturing and other sectors.

Since inception in 2011, India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) has been spearheading the movement towards digitalization of utilities in India. Highly disruptive black swan events like Covid-19 presented never before opportunities for innovation and transformation with profound implications in the long term. In the aftermath of Covid-19, digital platforms have become the coveted assets for utilities in their business continuity and resiliency. Government of India has launched a new program that mandates smart meters for all the 250 million+ electricity customers in the country. This is going to create data driven smart utilities which will open up new business opportunities for organizations providing tools and services to host and manage the humungous amounts of data utilities are expected to generate in the near future. Utilities in India have embarked on the digitalization drive and embracing emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Robotics, Blockchain etc.

ISGF has been organising its flagship annual event, India Smart Utility Week (ISUW) since 2015 and it is considered as one of the top five international events on Smart Grids, Electric Mobility and Smart Cities. All the previous editions of ISUW (initially known as India Smart Grid Week – ISGW) were huge success that attracted the attention and participation of the whose-who amongst top-notch thinkers and utility leaders from around the globe. Technology Companies, Regulators, Policy Makers, Government Officials and Senior Officials from Electricity, Water and Gas Utilities from 50+ countries participated every year in the past editions of ISUW. Due to COVID-19, ISUW 2021 was conducted on a 3D virtual platform which was attended by over 2700 delegates and addressed by 457 Speakers from 49 Countries.

About India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF)

ISGF is a public private partnership initiative of Govt. of India with the mandate of accelerating smart grid deployments across the country. With 170+ members comprising of ministries, utilities, technology providers, academia and research, ISGF has evolved as a Think-Tank of global repute on Smart Energy and Smart Cities. Mandate of ISGF is to accelerate energy transition through clean energy, electric grid modernization and electric mobility; work with national and international agencies in standards development and help utilities, regulators and the Industry in technology selection, training and capacity building.

For Partnership, Exhibition and Participation queries, please write to us at For more details about ISUW 2021, kindly visit

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