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Bendy batteries for wearables



Talking about the latest generation every thing is coming as of bend it like back ham and the generation wants the transparency and non-fragile products.  In the todays era if we look forward to the wearable devices than they are gaining the sizes and issues, thus a solution was needed that can reduce these size related issues of the wearable devices. Thus Samsung has recently launched the stipe and band batteries. The stripe batteries is said to bend comfortably as similar to a fiber. It is just 0.3 mm thick device that is particularly aimed to apply in large wearable applications irrespective of the issues.

It basically contains multiple small elements developed by the company’s SDI group that will be further offering a high energy density by just minimizing the width of the battery sealing . This band battery is particularly applicable to the smart watches straps that can be bended and unbended for than 50,000 times.

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