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Engineers create artificial skin that can send pressure sensation to brain cell

Stanford engineers have successfully created a plastic skin that can detect pressure points and intensities to a greater extend , it also generates sensory input that are directly transmitted to the  brain. Zhenan bao is the man behind the thought she had spend long years trying to develop this artificial skin concept. She basically wanted to create a flexible, electronic, sensorised fabric that covers the limb and behaves as a skin. This is for the first time that a skin like material has been developed that is flexile and transmits signals back to the brain as impulses.

The basic model of this technique includes a two ply architecture. Where top layer creates sensing and the bottom one act as a circuit for transporting the signals and converting them into biochemical stimuli that are naturally compatible with nerve cells. The top layer is well equipped to sense a normal finger touch to a good hand shake. To make the pressure sensing mechanism a good to go achievement the team has used billions of carbon nanotubes in the waffered plastic, which further compress the plastic’s molecular spring. As the pressure is removed the flow of pulses from the skin also relaxes.



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