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EnSilica ports ThreadX RTOS to embedded processor cores

EnSilica has came up with a Logic’s threadX RTOS to its sSi- RISC family , in the race of providing most popular real time operating systems to the customer. Lankshear EnSilica CEO said that while choosing some of the eSi RISC customers we often make an open source RTOS that is believed to be commercial supportive and preferable over other products to develop the fast time to market . This new combination of ThreadX and eSi RISC will be delivering  a high performance and low power consumption in all its manner under the embedded applications.

EnSilica’s eSi-RISC family includes 16bit and 32bit processors,in hands with the single precision floating point numbers as well in the SIMD DSP that has an extension that is scalable on the multicore processor. Bill Lamie is the president of express Logic that has stated that they believe in the flexibility of eSi RISC processors and core that are highly efficient thread X RTOS creates a logical solution that will be demanding them in the future.

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