Feabhas, the UK’s leading independent provider of embedded software development training and ARM training partner, has become a Founder Member of the IoT Security Foundation.
Niall Cooling, CEO at Feabhas, says “many of today’s deeply embedded systems are now connected to other devices. While this brings some great benefits, such as, enhanced functionality, and makes updates easier to conduct online, it is not without risk. As deeply embedded systems have historically been isolated, they have not necessarily required such rigorous security to be in place. It is important therefore, that while they take advantages of today’s connected technology developments, they are protected from future security attacks.
As Feabhas is increasingly asked to provide training in securing connected embedded systems,we joined the IoT Security Foundation since we perceived that we shared common goals.
Like the IoT Security Foundation, we believe that: embedded systems security should be considered at the start and not as an afterthought, the method of security needs to be right for the embedded system (such as in the application layer, for example), and wherever possible, it needs to be resilient throughout the planned product lifecycle.”