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Flat transistor switches at 0.1V, draws 10% of MOSFET power

At the university of California engineers are been working with Rice University to dmonstrate a transistor that will be switching at 0.1 V and will also consume less than 10 percent of the total power that is drawn from the mosfet. This steepness of the transistor will be characteristic that will be lowered to a certain level related to the MOSFET as told by the professor Kaustav Banerjeewho is from US santa Barbara.  Professors Banerjee group has taken over the quantum mechanical formula to look for the band to band tunneling to design a tunnel field effect transistor (TFET) that will be taking less than 60 V per decade.

According to the team it is a design that will carry the current through channel that is placed at highly doped germanium GE sources electrodes. Resulting to which it will create a vertical hetrostructure , that will provide a channel junction of only 1.3mm thick.


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