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International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen) Presents Technical Conference

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Keep up with the latest market and technology innovations and trends

Gain first-hand knowledge from renowned industry experts

Organized by Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association (HKPCA) and China Printed Circuit Association (CPCA), The 2019 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen) – formerly the International Printed Circuit & APEX South China Fair – will run from 4-6 December 2019. Taking up Halls 1, 2, 4, 9 and part of Hall 3 of the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China, this year’s 18th edition of the Show – the largest ever – will highlight products and services spanning the entire PCB industry supply chain in 7 thematic zones, making it indispensable to industry participants. These include PCB Manufacturer, Electronic Assembly, Green Pavilion, Smart Automation Pavilion, Equipment Supplier, Materials Supplier and Japan/Korea Pavilion.

The 3-day International Technical Conference, held annually in parallel with the Show, will cover the latest hot topics in the PCB industry, offering valuable insights from industry experts. With 5G technology poised to transform the industry, the proliferation of connected devices will demand new and more sophisticated PCBs, forcing PCB manufacturers to raise their game across every area of activity. Consequently it has never been more important for industry participants to keep themselves up to date on the latest evolving trends. The Conference, to be staged in Hall 4, will present an ideal opportunity to catch up on some of these developments, seeking to inspire the audience, guide them in managing the increasingly complex challenges facing the industry, and help them transform their business to a new level.

Insights from Top Industry Experts on the Latest Hot Topics

The 2019 Conference features a strong line-up of speakers including international specialists and technical experts to address the hottest issues, covering both market trends and technical updates. The Conference will open with a keynote speech from Mr. Canice Chung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association (HKPCA). This will be followed by another keynote speech from Mr. You Lei, Chairman of the China Printed Circuit Association. The HKPCA and CPCA are joint organizers of the event.

Among other industry heavyweights scheduled to share their insights at the Conference are:

  • Liu Zhe, Chief Engineer, Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, ZTE Corporation, will deliver a speech on the topic The Challenge and Opportunity of 5G High Frequency to PCB and PCBA. Mr. Liu is a well-known expert who has published numerous books and papers on issues related to PCB manufacturing.
  • Hayao Nakahara, President, N.T. Information Ltd., will address the topic Which Way the PCB Industry is Heading For? Dr. Hayao Nakahara is a respected consultant who advises PCB manufacturing companies around the world.
  • Shiuk-Kao Chiang, Managing Partner of Prismark Partners, a leading electronics industry consulting firm, will give a PCB Market Update. Prismark has developed business and service relationships with most of the leading electronics, semiconductor, packaging, assembly, PCB and material companies.
  • Lin Ting Hao, Senior Project Director, Advanced Product Development / Advanced Technology Center, Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp., will speak on IC Substrate Technology Characteristics Study. Mr. Liu was the consultant of the Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA) for 18 years, and has published more than 20 PCB-related books.
  • James Tam, Project Manager, Robert Bosch Co. Ltd. will discuss Challenges and Opportunity to PCB Material and Processing Technology Bring from Automotive Electronics. Mr. Tam is responsible for the development of PCB technology for automotive electronics at Robert Bosch.

Updates on Current Trends, Research and New Products

In addition to these major presentations, other industry leaders will be giving presentations on a variety of market trends, research findings, and their latest product innovations.  Topics include:

  • Status of VCP Process and Development Trend of Copper Plating Brightener for VCP
  • Novel Antenna Designs
  • Drilling Solutions for 5G
  • Wirelaid – Next Generation Heavy Copper Technology for High-Current PCB & E-Automotive PCB
  • Fabrication & Reliability of Rogers Automotive Grade Materials
  • 5G – mmWave Technology Challenges for PCB Manufacturing
  • Removal of Total Nitrogen, Reuse of Nitric Acid
  • Future LDI Technology Development Trend
  • Functional Film Application of PCB/FPC
  • Next Gen. DC Plating Solution “ELECTROPOSITTM 1600” for High Layer Counts

Pre-register Now to Enjoy Multiple Privileges*

Pre-registration for the region’s biggest PCB industry event will close on 29 November. Advance registration entitles visitors to a range of privileges, these include entering pre-show lucky draw and stand a chance to win Xiaomi Mi Band 4, DuSmart Speaker, receive a FREE Shenzhen metro/bus ticket onsite to get more out of your visit, join Double WeChat lucky draws and stand a chance to win Huawei Mate 30, Huawei Tablet, Xiaomi Mi Band and other hottest prize onsite.

Group pre-registration of 4 people or above entitles the group leader to receive an additional gift onsite. Free shuttle bus service will be provided to groups of 30 or more people within the same company located in Guangdong Province.* Don’t miss the opportunity to participate and get inspired at the region’s premier showcase for the PCB and EA industry. Visit or scan the QR code below to pre-register now!

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