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Low noise amplifiers are alternatives to hybrid devices

MMIC broadband is a low noise amplifier that has been put into market via Aspen Electronics that has some suitable alternatives also to the most costly hybrid amplifiers in the market. according to its supplier it will be well suited in the communication systems with low noise requirements and small size and its less power consumption would just add on to its flexibility.  It will be adding 50W design to eliminate the need of an external DC block in the application.

There are basically three devices available. The CMD157 delivers more than 25 dB of gain, with a P1dB output power of +10dBm and a noise figure of 1.5dB. The CMD189P3, is having a QFN package measuring 3 x 3mm, that will operate on frequencies ranging from 10 to 14GHz. The CMD195, is basically a  broadband non reflective GaAs MMIC SPDT switchthat will be covering  DC to 20GHz with an insertion loss of 2dB,


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