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Science and sports news most trusted by British public

A new survey commissioned by communications agency Matter PR reveals that print and online news stories about science and sports are considered the most trustworthy by the British public.

Amid concerns that public trust in experts is at an all time low, this survey shows that science, medicine, and technology news reporting is considered amongst the most honest and trustworthy by the British public. However, almost one third (32%) of Brits believe that no type of news can be considered trustworthy.

The survey, carried out for Matter PR by YouGov, asked what news stories the British public believe are the “most trustworthy”. Sports news came out top with 17% believing those stories were the most trustworthy. Science, medicine and technology stories came a close second with 14%. These two types of news were by far the most trusted by the British public. The least trusted were celebrity news and politics with 1% and 2% respectively.

Amongst full-time students, science news came out top with 21% believing it to be the most trustworthy.

David Reid, Managing Director of Matter PR said:

“Matter PR commissioned this survey to see if science news stories are still considered trustworthy by the public, despite recent global trends seeing trust in experts at an all time low. Whilst the results are reassuring for science, it is all relative and shows that trust in the print and online news media is very low overall.”

“Scientists need to work hard to improve people’s trust in them. Stories which are hyped-up, exaggerated claims, and silly stunts might be good copy but do a lot of damage. Clear, engaging, and honest communication with the public should be at the heart of what every science organisation in the UK does – it must not be considered an optional extra.”

The overall results were:

17%   Sports

14%   Science, medicine, & technology

9%     Business & Finance

7%     Travel

4%     Crime

2%     Politics

1%     Celebrity

0%     Other

12%   Don’t know

32%   Not applicable – no type of news is reported accurately

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