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Security: taking the next steps

Hitrex ARM users conference is right now the most awaited event and most talked about also as it is taking place since the end of November that will be addressing the range of issues related to the complexity of designing and also some new OS for the IoT services and devices. Ian Johnson who is the product manager of ARM , has clearly discussed the launch last month all the parameter and instructions tat would be set , the memory protection unit as well as the security model of the Cortex M processors.

This is a trusted software also well certified and tested that can be running in conjunction with hardware detailing s offering the cryptographic functions.  It is very important to reduce the attack areas when we talk about the embedded systems , he has said that V8 M has improved the levels of security but thats not only the solution,. Security was the key factor of the event and said that IoT has defined UK’s intelligence service as the Slow motion Train wreck.


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