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Silicon Labs packs analogue performance into 8-bit MCUs

Silicon labs has come up with a new micro controller series that delivers the highest analogue performance and its peripheral integration in the 8 bit market. this latest addition to the Silicon Labs microcontroller EFM8 MCU portfolio is combined with a high speed analogue to digital converter (ADC). and the multiple digital to digital converters(DACs) and the two other compactors and a 72 MHz core with up to 64KB of flash drive.

These laser Bee MCUs are available in  3 x 3mm QFN package, that make them to suite the space constrained , and other intensive applications such as the optical modules test and measurement indication instruments with smart sensors. This set of series re said to eliminate the external analogue components by reducing the overall system bill of the material cost in the PCB’s by eventually enhancing its performance.



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