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Smart Scope for Android, Apple, Windows , Linux

Lab Nation which is Antwerp based company launched a very new USB scope that would be working with products like Apple, Windows, Linux and Android. This new device is named as Smart Scope, which is a result of  a 2014 Kickstarter campaign. This will be a host software which is available for all smartphones , pc’s and tablets that are running on Android, Ubuntu Linux, Windows 7,8,10 or Apple platform. This software can be downloaded from Google play or la Nation site for Android users, Jail broken for Mac OS X, iOS users.

This will be providing functions like Logic analyzer, waveform generator and oscilloscope that will be in a 110*64*24 mm case covering of aluminum. It will support to analogue signals with 3dB bandwith which will range to 30MHz  and 1MΩ/1pF impedance. Sampling is 8bit at up to 100MHz. The logic analyzer will have eight channels of 3.3 or 5V with protocols decoder like  I2C, SPI and custom options. It will generate waveform in single channel at up to 50Msample/s and 0-3.3V level.

According to the firm “The SmartScope will  works with a variety of electronics engineering, field service, education and hobbyist applications. It is ideal for the makers using small board computers such as Raspberry Pi and Arduino so they can diagnose faults and learn more about electronics and how their design is functioning.”


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