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White graphene’ could enable ultra-thin devices and fuel cells

Researchers that were at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) that have created a total virtual single layer of the white graphene that they will be using in the new era of the electronics and the quantum devices. This material is taken as technically they known hexagonal boron nitride that will be featuring better transparency that the graphene, and it is also chemically inert in nature and automatically smoothen up. It has a high mechanical strength in it to provide thermal conductivity. But as far as graphene is concerned it is an insulator where as graphene is a  conductor. Thus making it highly useful in the use of laptops, mobiles, wearables, and other devices.

The scientist and their colleagues are recently working on graphene hexaganol boron 2D capacitor also that willbe a fuel cell prototype that will also be super thin and highly transparent in nature. Using White graphene as a substance they believe to conquer the full potential of geaphene by reducing its overall thickness and readily increasing the flexibility. It will also increse the data transfer rate to very high value.



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