
Nonfamilian Breast Cancer to be detected by Genetic alterations


According to the recent studies done by researchers from Sweden, Poland and US that is led by Prof. Jan Dunmanski. This research opens up the possibility of detecting the cancer cells even in those patients who did not have a hereditary history of this. It can be detected even if cancerous cells are not formed in the body of the person. Breast cancer is very deadly. Around 1 out of every 8 women are developing this disease in their life time. As per the America Cancer Society (ACS) they have  researched and studied that 40,290 women approximately die every year in US due to breast cancer.

Risk of the breast cancer is to accessed through a special technique using genes, as of now there is no proper method to determine woman’s risk from this sporadic breast cancer. This is basically detected using mammography.  If we could detect disease prior to its development than it will significantly be very useful in terms of its precautions and curing by covering its risk. Under this technique a genetic Signature is formed and studied which can tell the predisposition or development of Sporadic Breast cancer.  These mutated genes are used using an alteration in protein on the cells that can help in detecting the disease.





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